Does Anxiety Ever Go Away?

Anxiety is a universal human experience, affecting millions of people worldwide. It can manifest in various forms, from fleeting moments of nervousness to chronic conditions like Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). One of the most common questions among those who suffer from anxiety is: “Does it ever go away?” The answer is complex and multifaceted, depending […]

The Importance of Digital Mental Health

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK has witnessed a significant shift towards digital mental health services. The necessity of social distancing and lockdown measures accelerated the adoption of online treatment, transforming the way mental health support is accessed and delivered. This digital transformation has made mental health care more accessible, reducing barriers […]

Overcome Anxiety with Me

Suffering from Anxiety? Anxiety can feel overwhelming, but there are effective ways to manage it. At Behavioural Freedom, I will free you from the unwanted behaviours that prohibit you from living the life you want to live. I will free you from the uncomfortable, negative and often debilitating feelings of anxiety that control you and […]

It’s Okay not to be Okay

Mind have started a new campaign – ‘If it’s okay’ According to their article, ‘It’s okay to not be okay’ is one of the most famous lines in mental health campaigning. But for many people struggling with mental illness, it doesn’t feel like it’s okay. In a recent poll we found that over half (51%) […]

Rising cost of living – how to handle the stress

Dealing with stress caused by the cost of living is a common challenge that many people face in today’s world. Rising expenses, financial pressures, and economic uncertainties can all contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress. In this blog post, we’ll explore some practical strategies to help you manage and cope with stress related to […]

Navigating the Waves of Change: Understanding Anxiety in the New Year

  In the crisp embrace of a new year, we often find ourselves standing at the threshold of change, eager for the possibilities that lie ahead. However, the path to transformation is not always smooth, and the specter of anxiety can cast its shadow on even the most promising beginnings. Imagine Sarah, a young professional […]

Give yourself the gift of mental well-being this Christmas

Decking the Halls and Mindfulness Bliss Amidst the tinsel and twinkling lights, it’s crucial to find your sanctuary of serenity. Incorporate moments of mindfulness into your holiday routine. Whether it’s a quiet cup of tea by the fire or a brisk winter walk, these pauses can be like mental twinkling lights in the chaos, reminding […]

Mental Health Stigma

Unfortunately, not everyone understands mental health problems. Some people may have misconceptions about what certain diagnoses mean. They may also use language you find dismissive, offensive or hurtful. This can be very upsetting – especially if someone who feels this way is a family member, colleague or a healthcare professional. But it’s important to remember […]

What is generalised anxiety disorder?

Occasional anxiety is a normal part of life. Many people may worry about things such as health, money, or family problems. But people with GAD feel extremely worried or nervous more frequently about these and other things—even when there is little or no reason to worry about them. GAD usually involves a persistent feeling of […]

It feels like a weight off my shoulders!

  “I would recommend Gillian to anyone that suffers with any sort of anxiety! I had my doubts about trying this out to begin with, but all I literally needed was 5 sessions with Gillian, and now my anxiety has just gone? Definitely one of the best things I have ever done. It feels like […]