Is Watching the News making you Anxious?

is watching the news making you anxious

Is watching the news making you anxious? First it was Brexit, then the Covid 19 pandemic and now war in Europe – many of us are finding it increasingly diffciult to watch the news each day.

An interesting article on the verywellmind website, explores how the media we consume daily has an impact on our thinking, behaviour, and emotions.

They asked several mental health experts to explain how this constant stream of disastrous news is adding to our stress levels and increasing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Read the full article here.  “Unfortunately, a lot of the news we consume today isn’t so much reporting as it is a way of keeping people addicted to the news cycle,” says licensed psychologist Logan Jones, PsyD. Because sensational headlines get more attention, Jones says media outlets often end up focusing on disaster reporting—and rarely any positive news.

Key Takeaways

  • Trying to strike a balance between being informed by news media and not becoming overwhelmed by it is difficult—especially during a global crisis.
  • A constant stream of sensational or “disaster” reporting, whether you are exposed actively or passively, can elevate stress levels and trigger symptoms like anxiety and trouble sleeping.
  • Effectively managing your media consumption can help you stay up to date while also reducing your stress.

If you’re looking for support for anxiety, I can help.

How I Treat Anxiety

At Behavioural Freedom, I use a skills-based model for treating anxiety. During our sessions, I will teach you relaxation techniques and helpful ways in which you can fundamentally and positively change the way you behave, think and act. It’s also important to note here that you can’t be stressed or suffer from anxiety when you are in a relaxed state. The skills you’ll learn during your time with me will be vital to both your on-going treatment and perhaps more so as you leave my care.

A combination of Applied Relaxation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered by the British Medical Journal to be one of the most effective therapies to alleviate anxiety and put you on a path to having a positive mind-set and being able to live life to the fullest, free of worries. By combining both and adding in the element of hypnosis, I believe this is the most effective, pragmatic and relevant approach to the treatment of anxiety.

Please contact me today to start the journey back to behavioural freedom.