‘Freedom Day’ – Freedom or Challenge?

freedom dayOn Thursday 24 February 2022 the last of Covid restrictions were lifted – hence the name ‘Freedom Day’. But according to a leading mental health charity we will be seeing the mental health effects of the pandemic for years to come.

Mind published an article which explores the implications for those of us with mental health issues. Do we truly feel free or is this another challenge created by COVID?

The UK Government lifted the restrictions in response to a reduction in cases of COVID and hospitalisations. As a result, people now no longer have to self-isolate if they test positive. Leading mental health charity Mind would like to remind everyone that the mental health impact of the pandemic is far from over, and to be mindful of others’ feelings, given not everyone will be celebrating today.

Many people with mental health problems – including depression, anxiety, and OCD – struggle with uncertainty and changing rules, and may remain fearful about things like attending busy events, travelling on public transport, and contracting the virus. Those classified as clinically extremely vulnerable – whether that’s due to mental health problems, physical health problems, or a combination of the two – have experienced an exceptionally difficult past two years, with many continuing to remain at home regardless of lockdowns lifting. Read the full article.

What is Anxiety?

anxiety (æŋˈzaɪɪtɪ) n. a state of uneasiness or tension caused by apprehension of possible future misfortune, danger, etc; worry
Collins English Dictionary

Anxiety is inbuilt into the fabric of who you are, regardless of what’s going on in your life. Unlike stress, the root causes of anxiety may be – and frustratingly remain – unknown but you have a constant and often debilitating feeling of impending doom accompanied by fear and apprehension. It can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as stomach aches, shaking, sweaty palms and panic attacks.

On one hand, anxiety can protect you from impending danger by releasing adrenalin which makes your heart beat faster; to carry the blood around your body your breathing quickens to produce the extra oxygen you need for energy; you sweat which prevents your body from overheating; more blood is sent to your muscles; your brain is more alert and your senses are heightened.

This is known as the ‘fight or flight reflex’. These physiological symptoms allow you to quickly react and either run away from danger (flight) or stay and take your chances (fight).

While this is useful against imminent physical dangers, it’s not particularly useful if you want to run away from making a presentation at work, taking exams, a driving test or going across a bridge. If there’s not a clearly defined physical threat, the ‘fight or flight’ reflex doesn’t manifest itself and your feelings of agitation continue for longer.

Anxiety comes in the form of phobias, a fear of social situations, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and panic attacks and like stress, you have different anxiety thresholds. What makes you highly anxious will be of little concern to someone else.

That’s where Behavioural Freedom comes in. Please go to my Anxiety page to find out more about the symptoms of anxiety and how I can free you from the unwanted behaviours that stop you from doing the things you really want to do.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety is far more common than we might think and most of us have suffered from social anxiety in one form or another during our lives. It manifests itself as a fear of rejection or being judged or embarrassed in front of other people. It leads to avoidance behaviour and can have a disruptive, negative effect on how you live your life, including but not exclusively –

  • Meeting new people
  • Giving presentations
  • Speaking to authority figures
  • Shopping
  • Eating out
  • Rejection

General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Put simply, GAD is essentially worrying about worrying. If you feel anxious about a whole range of issues rather than a specific issue or event, the likely diagnosis is GAD. For most people, their anxiety is far greater than the situation warrants and it comes with physical symptoms including trouble sleeping and the associated fatigue, headaches, muscle cramps, nausea and shortness of breath.

Panic Attacks

A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear, apprehension and anxiety whereby the individual often feels like they are having heart attack-type symptoms. It’s important to note here that while panic attacks can be both frightening and disruptive to everyday life, they are not dangerous and with treatment, I can free you from their shackles.

How I Treat Anxiety

At Behavioural Freedom, I use a skills-based model for treating anxiety. During our sessions, I will teach you relaxation techniques and helpful ways in which you can fundamentally and positively change the way you behave, think and act. It’s also important to note here that you can’t be stressed or suffer from anxiety when you are in a relaxed state. The skills you’ll learn during your time with me will be vital to both your on-going treatment and perhaps more so as you leave my care.

A combination of Applied Relaxation and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is considered by the British Medical Journal to be one of the most effective therapies to alleviate anxiety and put you on a path to having a positive mind-set and being able to live life to the fullest, free of worries. By combining both and adding in the element of hypnosis, I believe this is the most effective, pragmatic and relevant approach to the treatment of anxiety.

Please contact me today to start the journey back to behavioural freedom.